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“@type”: “Movie”,
“dateCreated”: “2020-04-27TT00:00:00Z”,
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Country – USA;
year – 2019;
8 vote;
The 2019 Oscar nominated documentary shorts are Black Sheep, End Game, Lifeboat, A Night at the Garden, and Period. End of Sentence.
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My grandfather lost almost all the males from his family and the females were remarried only because they stood against the British rule. They stood for our freedom. He became an orphan. Those people sacrificed everything for their vatan. For Hindustan. And fight and hatred between India and pakistan is nothing but a slap on all our freedom fighters’faces. A mocking on all their efforts and on their ideology. I thought people who want peace are no more but It’s so good to see so many Hindustanis be it from India or from Pakistan. I stand against hate. Do you.

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I’m a 69 year old grandpa who has been married to the same woman for 40 years and this movie helped remind me how blessed I am even though sometimes I look at the younger generation with a touch of envy.
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The moral of this story is the old saying: the grass is greener on the other side. To become used to the your daily life is the very basis of human existence. Once you see your life from the other side, which is the final scene of this film, you get to see what you have been missing. It may seem the grass looks greener on the other side but that isnt necessarily the case when you get there.


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This is a amazing documentary, I was crying pagkatpos ng video I dont know why. Today is 2020 and bakit ngaun ko lng ito npanuod since 2015 p ito. My mother is from visayas and lagi nya nai-kwekwento sa amin ang buhay nila ng nasa visayas sila, I was clueless pero iniintindi ko ang mga sinasabi nya na maswerte n kami ngaun dahil hindi namin naranasan ang buhay nila sa visaya, this is the exact lifestyle n naikwekwento nya sa akin and I’m really happy to watch this because this is a eye-opener to us n clueless sa mga napagdadaanan ng mga farmers natin. Kudos to Films and I wish n mkagawa pa kau ng mga eye-opener n film kagaya nito. And I wish n naibabahagi din sa mainstream yung ganitong mga film para maging aware ang current generation s sitwasyon ng mga farmers natin. Thank you for this film.

Dude that was epic. Congrats from the film community here in South Africa bro. The legend is growing. Subscribed.
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While the presence of “Minding the Gap” and “Hale County This Morning, This Evening” in the Oscar documentary feature category suggest a welcome evolution in the way the Academy thinks about nonfiction filmmaking, the documentary short ballot hasn’t changed much from years past. Once again, just causes, rather than great cinema, dominate the list of nominees, serving as a kind of armchair activism for voters, who tend to back the issue that matters most to them. Here, the choices range from empowering women in developing nations to easing terminal patients with end-of-life choices.
The first film screened in ShortsTV’s two-hour-plus theatrical program, Ed Perkins’ “ Black Sheep, ” is the most most stylistically daring, interweaving a compelling direct-to-camera interview with Cornelius Walker with equally powerful reenactment footage of his adolescence in Essex, where the young Nigerian immigrant learned to hate the color of his own skin. The story is reminiscent of British actor Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje’s autobiographical debut, “Farming, ” revealing racism to be almost like an infectious disease. It’s been three decades since Errol Morris’ “The Thin Blue Line” was snubbed by the Academy for its use of similar techniques, which Perkins has all but perfected: Actor Kai Francis-Lewis plays the young man as Walker describes how, after being taunted and beaten by white teens, he tried to make himself look white, going so far as to bleach his face. At one point, for a brief flicker, Walker puts in the blue contacts he wore as a teen — allowing us to study his eyes while also seeing through them.
Seasoned documentary duo Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman (who co-directed “The Celluloid Closet” and “Paragraph 175”) are back in nonfiction territory with “ End Game, ” a 40-minute look at hospice and palliative care at UCSF Medical Center. Not quite as clinical or detached as Dan Krauss’ 2016 “Extremis” (another Oscar-nominated Netflix doc about death-bed decisions), the short is nevertheless a tough one to watch, if only because we know there are no happy endings for these terminally ill patients. On the other hand, the filmmakers have found a one-of-a-kind subject in physician BJ Miller, who lost three limbs after being electrocuted as a teen, and who now coaches those with severe illness on how to reorient their expectations about death. Miller’s insights have been so useful as to have caught Oprah Winfrey’s attention (audiences may have seen him on her show), and one needn’t be hospitalized or faced with losing relatives to benefit from his unique perspective.
In “ Lifeboat, ” director Skye Fitzgerald embeds himself with a group called Sea-Watch — a refugee search-and-rescue organization allied with the Rome-based Maritime Rescue Coordination Center — as former Greenpeace captain Jon Castle (since deceased) and his team intervene on behalf of those attempting to reach Europe by sea. According to the statistic that closes the film, one in 18 people attempting to cross the Mediterranean perishes in the process. Although Europe is clearly overwhelmed by the crisis (see 2016’s similarly themed “4. 1 Miles”), the first step is recognizing the mass of immigrants as individuals. As Castle puts it, “We could be those people. ” Fitzgerald’s beautifully photographed film isn’t designed to make heroes of the rescuers. Rather, it treats the refugees as fellow humans, focusing on their faces, allowing them to tell their stories, and asking audiences to identify with the reasons they are willing to risk their lives to escape their situations.
At just seven minutes, Marshall Curry’s undeniably disturbing “ A Night at the Garden ” assembles archival footage from various sources to let audiences into New York’s Madison Square Garden on Feb. 20, 1939, when 20, 000 German-Americans gathered for a “Pro American Rally. ” Under the pretext of patriotism and white pride, the attendees raise their right arms in a Nazi salute as a column of flags — half American, the others German (bearing the swastika) — marches down the center aisle. It’s a startling image, and yet it doesn’t quite compute with the massive banner of George Washington hanging behind the stage (the event was staged around the president’s birthday). Still, it’s impossible not to bristle as thickly accented and openly bigoted Bund leader Fritz Kuhn steps forward to spew anti-Semitism and fear of “Moscow-directed domination” — at which point a Jewish protester rushes the stage.
Produced by Laura Poitras’ Field of Vision shingle, “A Night at the Garden” plays like a scene from Sinclair Lewis’ cautionary satire “It Can’t Happen Here” (or later, Philip Roth’s “The Plot Against America”), and though Curry’s context-lacking montage chills the blood, it shouldn’t be confused with the alarming rise of Nazism in our country today — for now, unlike in 1939, the world knows the sheer villainy of Hitler’s intent and must recognize the danger so-called nationalism poses to everything America stands for. Audiences interested in the topic should seek out Walter F. Parkes and Keith F. Critchlow’s astonishing Oscar-nominated 1975 feature “The California Reich” (available on YouTube), about practicing Nazis in the United States. Rather than doing the tough work of exposing such extremists today, Curry’s short is almost propagandistic in its own way, edited to emphasize parallels to Trump rallies and the demagoguery heard there.
That’s entirely different from the engagement director Rayka Zehtabchi seeks from her excellent, activist-minded “Period. End of Sentence. ” Although basically a half-hour promo for Oakland School’s Pad Project, the film simultaneously educates and inspires as a group of American students (never shown) combat the stigma that surrounds menstruation halfway around the world by donating a device for making sanitary pads. Responding to problems in the patriarchal system of India — where one ignorant male interviewee says, “I’ve heard it’s an illness that mostly affects girls” — “Period” illustrates a variation on the “Give a man a fish” proverb: Teach women to make pads, and they not only discover how to greet their monthly visitor but now have a source of income to empower their independence. It’s only a matter of time before Bollywood gets on the bandwagon, à la “Toilet: A Love Story, ” to spread the word.

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The scene where her dad is fighting in the boxing ring with her hair is hilariously true! What a beautiful story my daughter can watch and see herself in💞.
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Considering the two ways this short can interpreted, Stutterer really played key elements in what I define as moving film. Either way was well executed and really heartfelt.

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Gets even better on a 2nd viewing. Sean continues to set the bar so high. Shout out to the cast too. Great job.
Waited so long for this. and the timing is so perfect as such master peices are really the need of time considering the ongoing hate war between the two countries due to the really saddening and unfortunate event. People should definitely watch this and get some seriously needed lessons. Hearty Congratulations to you Ashvin please keep making such films. Have no words to praise it.

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Jason Reitman
Summary: The Front Runner is a movie starring Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga, and J.K. Simmons. In 1987, U.S. Senator Gary Hart’s presidential campaign is derailed when he’s caught in a scandalous love affair
country: USA, Canada
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Why make a remake of one of the best movies ever made is beyond me! somethings just need to be left alone and this is one of those times Kevin heart or not.
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Plot Twist: He is the daughter.

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The people who thought this film was another Unfriended are surely eating their words now lol. Awesome movie, amazing twist.

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He looks more like Justin T. without his beard. Both Hugh and Stephen: nice suits! 👍.
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Him as well as John Edwards both got caught, it seems so silly to step down. Run fox the country. Trump ran and won cuz of the Russians.
In an age where politics is so fiercely polarized it was refreshing to see a film about politics that opens windows and allows the viewer to consider a number of possible conclusions. I’m glad Reitman didn’t try to preach with this film or paint anyone as a villain. Even the opinions I had already settled into over the years about Hart’s relationship with Rice and the role of the press were softened and reconsidered after seeing this. I like that The Front Runner made me look at this time in history from the eyes of so many people I hadn’t originally considered were affected by this event. Reitman manages to keep the mood suspenseful without pushing us into hoping for any particular outcome and I think that’s pretty artful.
This is a film I could enjoy more than once and that I might draw different conclusions from each time I saw it depending on which character spoke to me the most that day. There’s a lot going on and all of it is interesting.

Leaves you asking plenty of questions about politics and the influence of the media both in the past and today. Jackman and Simmons are excellent. Its not perfect but I certainly felt entertained for the near 2 hours and could happily of watched more. That being said if you’re not into politics probably best to give it a miss but you probably knew that already.
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A really dreary movie to be missed at all costs. Even if I had heard of Gary Hart, minor politician, I really would not have given a tinkers-toss to revisit his miserable life.
The movie tried to establish that the public perception of morality towards its public figures changed sometime in the 80’s and that accountability for their behaviour in their private lives became news worthy. The movie implies this is a bad thing if this aspect of personal privacy deters descent candidates from applying for high office. I find this a totally morally ambiguous stance and leaves a nasty taste in the viewers mouth.
In reality, I would suggest, people either abuse power when they had obtained power, or they were perhaps better at being discreet. I won’t state the obvious that the technology was perhaps not invented either.
Gary Hart had a series of tawdry affairs and was a serial adulterer, it is self-evident that this would discount him from achieving high office.
Other elements that irritated, the nasty wigs, every journalist had a smart mouth, cynicism was rife, wooden acting poor script, can you tell I just wanted to die.

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I watched Aladdin in the theater yesterday! I was soooo moved 😭😭😭 thank you. from Japan.
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Watched the movie the other day, You NAILED it Will.
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Wolverine, J Jones Jameson, Doctor Octopus, Norma Bates, and Bill Burr. Well I’m sold.



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The storytelling is unconvincing. There are too many subplots that distract the main plot. Also, the pace is deliberately dragged. The sequence and the editing is confusing. The story itself is also unconvincing. The two sisters look utterly different and there is no way that one can be recognized as the other one.
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I became a fan of Peter Chan because of his masterpiece “Perhaps Love.” However, I expected a lot more than what this movie is offering. In my opinion, a good movie must have three components: 1) It tells a complete story revealing the subtlety and intricacy of love. A little suspense can help, but too many subplots only distract audiences from the main message, which, unfortunately, is the case in this movie. (2) Beautiful scripts that this movie lacks. I am a fan of ancient Chinese literature, and therefore I can appreciate how beautiful the Chinese language is. The speech at the end of the movie was a bit redundant – the message has already been embedded in the movie, and was hollow – it does not make people contemplate bigger questions about life, love, etc. either. (3) A good laugh – this is essential. Life is not easy – at least for most people who were born without privilege, and everyone needs a good laugh. The second part of this movie was depressing, and it is cruel to let teenagers figure out how hard life can be. It appears to me that the directors are trying to find a balance between mass popularity and artistic touch, the latter might be deemed cheesy – but this is actually what the current Chinese culture needs – a sense of higher needs, including art, beauty and love in all forms, than materialistic pursuits. In search for mass popularity, the directors lost their artistic touch, and I was disappointed.

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The whole screenplay and the storyline were based on a ridiculous scenario, very absurd and illogic. The younger sister ridiculously replaced her dead old sister to hook up a past romance with a deadbeat guy who shamelessly claimed himself as a writer. I don’t know how this young sister would be able to fool her dead sister’s classmates. Were they twins, why none of the classmates of the dead sister’s didn’t know anything about her death, the funeral? If her dead sister didn’t have any connection or communication with none of her classmates for so many years, why she would be able to receive an back-to-school alumni invitation? What was the excuse of this younger sister’s intention to pretend as being her dead sister? Did she want to have an affair with her sister’s classmate? Why kept writing letters to this dead-beat guy? For what purpose? A 7-year itch? After 20 minutes, we all agreed to stop watching this crappy movie. What a joke.




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